God wants you to experience the JOY for which he created you. So do we. Here's how.
It all starts by following 9 simple rules.
Rule 1: Give Thanks
Rule 2: Practice Silence
Rule 3: Love Yourself
Rule 4: Have Fun
Rule 5: Engage your Body in the Battle for Joy
Rule 6: Make Friends
Rule 7: Rest
Rule 8: Serve
Rule 9: Frame Your Mind with Faith
Every success in life is meaningless without joy. Joy is God's dream for you. Heaven is called a "wedding banquet." And Jesus' whole mission was to share that joy with you. He said it himself. "I've told you these things so my joy may be in you." Think about that. The joy of GOD in YOU. The experience of that eternal joy starts now. And it doesn't start with a change in your circumstances but a change in you.
What is the purpose of Small Faith Groups?
To build faith communities at St. Andrew and help you strengthen your relationship with God
Who can participate in Small Faith Groups?
Any adult member of the Saint Andrew community
How do I sign-up to participate?
Small Faith Group Options if you are a NEW participant:
Small Faith Group Options if you participated in The Search:
What if I do not have a group of friends at Saint Andrew?
We will assign you to a group based on your preferences: couples or singles
How will the Small Faith Groups operate?
Each Small Faith Group will determine its own format. Meetings can be at member’s homes, community centers, etc. You can meet weekly or monthly. Meetings can include food and drink or not. You can have a designated leader or take turns. It is your group – you decide
What is the cost and what do I need to participate?
The Living Joy video series and the accompanying guide book are available on the Real Life Catholic website and are FREE!
The first meeting of all Small Faith Groups will be on October 10 in the Parish Hall at 6:30 pm.
You will sit with your own Small Faith Group
We will watch Session 1 of LIVING JOY together and have a large group discussion
We will answer your questions about Small Faith Groups
You will have a chance to discuss how your individual Small Faith Group will operate